Monthly Archives: November 2016


Popular vote or no, she didn’t win, and while I’m sorry she didn’t break the glass ceiling, I think she was her own worst enemy.  The emails on the server in the basement and “the basket of deplorables” did enormous damage for the opportunities they gave her critics.  One also got the sense that  especially in the early appearances on TV with her nose in the air and body language seeming to see all the rest of us as beneath her – she entitled after all those years of hard work – to be elected President just because she felt she’d worked hard enough to earn it.  The sense that she felt entitled to the office merely because of who she was I think turned off a lot of people.

There’s no such thing as a perfect candidate for President (or any other office), but perhaps there should have been more deep thought at the DNC and in the higher reaches of the party about the Clinton legacy and what that would mean to the millions of those who felt forgotten by Washington and voted for Trump.  I voted for her, but I was never happy about it.  The thought of both of them back in the White House curdled.  What if there were more Libyas?  Worse ones?  What if there were more careless dismantling of protections put in place to free us from the vagaries of financial melt downs?

And if she and he were so darned intelligent, why did they think that using a private email server was such a great idea?  Was it really so very “convenient”?  Were they just playing with the new technology without knowing enough to realize the risks?  After the experience of intense criticism about the emails, wouldn’t you think she’d warn others near her to beware of what they said in emails in case of hacking?  It’s not as if hacking was unknown in 2015 – 16.  Our own NSA was doing its share of it on foreign leaders and got caught in the act.  The stupidity (ignorance) of intelligent people is sometimes appalling and inexcusable.

And now we’re stuck with Trump.  What a tragedy!